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Back to The Bolles of Swineshead
of the first documented references for a Bolle of the Swineshead line was a
Chancery Inquisition record from 1311 when a William Bolle acted as the
attorney for John la Warre in a claim heard at Lincoln Castle.
Sir John la Warre had married Joan Grelle in
Manchester in 1294 and only became Lord of Swineshead on her brother’s death
in 1310 so William Bolle’s connection to him was very early in la Warre’s
connection to Swineshead and might be an indication of a prior connection
between them.
In 1323 Sir John’s daughter Elizabeth la Warre left
bequests in her Will to four Friars named Bole (Father John Bole and Father
Andrew Bole of the Order of Friars Preachers, Father William Bole of the
Order of Carmelites and Father Osbert Bole of the Order of Minors)
Sir Roger la Warre (d. 1320) bef. 1277 (held estates
in the south and south-west of England)
m. Clarissa (Lady Clara) de Tregoz (d. bef. 1300)
(co-heir to Sir John Tregoz in 1300)
1. John
la Warre b. ca. 1277 (heir to his father and also the Castle and manor
of Ewias Harold, Herefordshire in 1301 from his grandfather Tregoz)
m. Joan Grelle (heir to her brother in 1310 who held
estates in Manchester and Guerdley, Lancashire, and in Swineshead, Sixhills
and Bloxholm, Lincolnshire)
1.1 Sir
John la Warre (heir to his father, Lord of Ewias etc.)
m. Margaret de Holand
Sir Roger la Warre (Lord Ewias, Swineshead etc. from 1353)
m.(1) Elizabeth (Adam Lord de Welle)
John (Lord Ewias in 1370) d.s.p
m.(1) Elizabeth
m.(2) Elizabeth de Neville of Grimsthorpe (she held
estates in Gosberton) Thomas (Lord Ewias as heir to his brother.
However, in 1400 (1 King Henry
IV) the king granted the castle and manor of Ewias to Sir Philip le Vache;
in 1411 Thomas granted and quitclaimed Swineshead Manor and other property
and advowsons to the Bishop and others who held it of the King of his Duchy
of Lancaster
d. (s.p) May 7, 1426
m.(2) Eleanor Moubray Joan m. Sir Thomas West Sir Reginald West (heir to Thomas)
Thomas la Warre
Margaret la Warre (living 1323 but pre-d her father 1345)
Katherine la Warre
m. Robert de Breweuse
dau. Katherine de Breweuse m. Gryffon
son Thomas Gryffon
son John Gryffon (heir to Sir Reginald West)
Elizabeth la Warre
m. Sir Edmund Bacon
Elizabeth d. 1323 bur. Swineshead abbey
(in her Will signed at Wakerley, Northamptonshire, dated Tues., Vigil of St Marg. Virg. 1323, and proved at Caldewell Oct. 18, 1323 she left small bequests to four Friars named Bole and requested that she be buried before the high alter of Swineshead Abbey near her ancestors)
Lady Joan (Grelle) la Warre living in 1323
Sir John la Warre d. 1346/47 at Ewias Harold
(in his Will dated at Wakerlegh (Wakerley) Aug. 11,
1345 he asked to be buried before the high altar in Dore Abbey but in a
codicil dated Mar. 6, 1346 he asked to be buried before the High Altar in
Swineshead Abbey; Will proved at Lincoln June 9, 1347)
There is also a distant possibility of a Bolle
connection to the la Warre family on the de Tregoz side.
Roger la Warre’s wife Lady Clara de Tregoz’ father John de Tregoz was
a First Cousin to Roger de Clifford who married Isabel de Veteri-Ponte,
heiress of the Roger de Builli estate.
The de Bolle of Bedfordshire, descendants of the de Builli line, were
associated with the Veteri-Ponte line there.
When Isabel de Vipont died in 1291 her son Robert de
Clifford inherited her ½ share of the Vipont baronial estate of Appleby,
Westmorland becoming the first Baron de Clifford.
His childless Aunt Idonea granted him the other half in 1308.
Isabel Vipont's connection to la Warres through the Tregoz family.
Sibell of Ewias (heiress)
m.(1) Robert de Tregoz (John de Tregoz) bef. 1194
(he was Sheriff of Wilts 1192)
Robert de Tregoz II, Lord Ewias (d. 1265 Battle of Evesham)
m. Juliana de Cantilupe (William)
1.1 John
de Tregoz, Lord Ewias (d. 1300)
m. Mabilia (Fulk Fitzwarine)
Clarissa (Lady Clara) de Tregoz (d. bef. 1300) (co-heir to Sir John Tregoz
in 1300)
m. Sir Roger la Warre
(d. 1320) bef. 1277
m.(2) William de Newmarch
Roger de Clifford
Roger de Clifford II
m. Isabel de Veteri-Ponte (Vipont) (heir to the
de Builli estate)
Robert de Clifford b. 1274 (heir to his mother 1291) First Baron de Clifford
Sibell d. ca. 1235
Also in 1271 William de Clifford was appointed to
the Church of Swineshead for the term of Robert de Grelle, Lord of
Swineshead’s, minority.
Writ. ‡ 12 May 1427. [Mapilton]
SOMERSET. Inquisition. Bath. 22 May 1427. [Twyneho]
Richard Champeneys ; John Ory ; John Eyton ; John Warde ; Thomas Barbour ;
John Bygge ; William Hunte ; Robert Deye ; William Sprakelyng ; William
Euerard ; William Baber ; and Philip Hogekyns .
He held the manor of Brislington in his demesne
as of fee tail, namely to himself and the heirs of his body, of the heirs of
Thomas late lord... [ms soiled] of the honour of Gloucester by service of
1/2 knight’s fee, by grant and surrender of John de Cleydon, late parson of
Manchester church. By a fine levied in the court of
Edward III at Westminster East. quin. 1331 [CP 25/1/286/36 no.82], one part
of which was shown to the jurors, between John son of Roger la Warre , John
his son and Margaret wife of John the son, quer., and John de Cleydon ,
deforc., John de Cleydon granted the manor to John son of Roger for life,
remainder to John son of John and Margaret his wife and his heirs by her,
remainder of the manor amongst other things to the right heirs of John son
of Roger. John son of Roger died seised in his demesne as of free tenement.
After his death, John son of John son of Roger and Margaret his wife were
seised, John in his demesne as of fee in the form of the entail and Margaret
in her demesne as of free tenement. They had issue, Roger, and died seised
of their estate. Roger was then seised in his demesne as of fee in the form
of the entail as the son and heir of John by Margaret. He married Elizabeth
daughter of Adam Lord de Welle , and they had issue John late lord la Warre
and Thomas late lord la Warre , named in the writ. Elizabeth died and Roger
then married Eleanor daughter of Lord de Moubray , and they had issue Joan.
Joan was married to Thomas West, knight , and they had issue Reginald West,
knight , who survives. Eleanor died and Roger subsequently died seised of
the manor in his estate. John la Warre was then seised in his demesne as of
fee in the form of the entail as Roger’s son and heir, and died seised of
this estate without heir of his body. After John’s death, Thomas named in
the writ, was seised of the manor in his demesne as of fee in the form of
the entail as his brother and heir. Thomas West, knight , and Joan died, and
Thomas named in the writ subsequently died seised of this estate without
heir of his body. After his death the manor descends to Reginald West,
knight , as his kinsman and heir according to the grant and surrender,
namely son of Joan lately wife of Thomas West and sister of Thomas named in
the writ. In the manor there are the capital messuage and other derelict
houses, worth nothing yearly; 60 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 20
a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; enclosed pastures, worth 40s. yearly;
20s. assize rents of free tenants at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer and
Michaelmas in equal portions; £14 rents of villein tenants at the same
feasts; and perquisites of a court every three weeks, worth 6s. 8d. yearly.
He died
on 7 May last. Reginald West, knight , is his next heir according to the
grant as above, aged 28 years and more. John Gryffon is his heir general as
son of Thomas son of Katherine daughter of Katherine sister of John father
of Roger father of Thomas named in the writ, and is aged 30 years and more.
Writ. ‡ 12 May 1427. [Mapilton]
LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Boston. 12 June 1427. [Morlay]
John Magelyn , John Gybbon , John Brigge and Richard Alyoche , of Wigtoft;
Robert Bolle , Thomas Grantham , Nicholas Proketour , John Bawen , John Jay
, Thomas Terry and Robert Gerwyke , of Swineshead; and William Olney ,
Robert Walnotte and Robert Burton , of Sixhills.
He held
the manor of Sixhills in his demesne as of fee tail, to himself and the
heirs of his body. By his indented charter dated at Wakerley, 5 June 1273
and shown to the jurors, Thomas Grelle, lord of Manchester , granted the
manor to Lord John la Warre and Joan his wife and the heirs of her body,
reversion to Thomas and his heirs. John was seised in his demesne as of free
tenement and Joan in her demesne as of fee tail. Subsequent family history
and tenure as 782, except that Roger son of John son of Joan by John was
seised as her kinsman and heir. After the death of Thomas, the manor
descends to Reginald West, knight , as in 782. In the manor there are the
site, containing 1 a. land, with the hall and grange built there, worth
nothing yearly; 300 a. arable, each acre worth 1d. yearly, sum 30s. [sic];
80 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly, sum £4; 12 a. pasture, each acre
worth 6d. yearly, sum 6s.; 36s. 5d. assize rents of free tenants at
Michaelmas, Christmas, Easter and St John the Baptist in equal portions; and
view of frankpledge twice a year and a court every three weeks, the
perquisites of which are worth nothing yearly. The manor is held of the king
of his duchy of Lancaster, services unknown.
held no other lands or tenements of the king in chief or others in his
demesne or in service but he was lately seised in his demesne as of fee of
the manor of Swineshead, 5 a. pasture in Skegness, and the advowsons of the
abbey of Swineshead, church of Swineshead, free chapel of Barthorp and
church of Skegness. By the fine levied in 1411 detailed in 783, he remised,
quitclaimed and warranted for himself and his heirs, the manor, pasture and
advowsons to the bishop, William Thirnynge , John, Nicholas, Richard,
William Auncell , John and Richard and the heirs of William Rouceby .
William Rouceby, by his deed dated at Swineshead, 24 May 1411 and similarly
shown to the jurors, remised and released all his right and claim that he
had in the manor, pasture and advowsons to the bishop, William Thirnynge ,
John, Nicholas, Richard, William Auncell , John and Richard. The bishop,
John, Richard and Richard, who survive, and William Thirnynge , Nicholas,
William Auncell and John Ouerton , now deceased, were seised in their
demesne as of fee, and the survivors continued in their estate and remain
seised. The manor, pasture and advowsons are held of the king of his duchy
of Lancaster, services unknown, annual value of the manor £40.
Date of death and heirs as in 782, except that here John is aged 38 years and more.
History of Ewias Harold by The Rev. A. T. Bannister, Vicar of Ewias Harold,
Hereford, 1902