The Bowles Family of Canada Web Site

At this point this site is at a very early stage.  I'm just trying to get the raw family tree data up for most regions plus some interesting stories as I happen to find them in my notes while I'm publishing a particular topic.  There's no pattern in what goes up when yet.  There are almost no references quoted as I'll be sorting those out later and adding them.  There are very few pictures or links to supporting documents or other sites as those will also happen after the raw data makes it in.  Only the pages for the George Bowles of Peel County have been fully completed as an example of what I am trying to do for as many families as possible.

At this point I am not able to reply to requests for sources.  These will be welcome once I get past this stage of just publishing my own notes.  Anyone who finds anything of interest on this site should take it as unconfirmed and I hope that it serves as a suggestion to lead you to focus your research in a specific locale. 

Any contacts from fellow Bowles researchers with corrections to the site or contributions of new Bowles information are always welcome.  Please email me at tom@laportefamilyhistory.ca.  If your Bowles/Boles/Boales (etc.) family site is already published I would be glad to add a link to your site from my relevant page.

Please read the following disclaimer:

I, Tom LaPorte, compiler and owner of these pages take no responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy of any of the information directly given or from this Website and reject any liability due to direct or indirect damages caused by this. This Web site and ALL information on the pages is provided for the purpose of genealogical research. Every attempt has been made to ensure complete accuracy of this information and no permission is granted or given for use of this material for any purpose other than genealogical research. The use of this information for commercial use is prohibited. Ownership of all information remains the property of the owner and/or any other contributors of information to this Website. The information used on these web pages has been obtained from various sources and is published here in good faith. Should anyone feel that anything on this website violates any copyright laws or their personal rights please let me know and I undertake to remove the offending material immediately.

This site was last updated 02/26/22