Bowles DNA Project
The Bowles of Canada and their Roots in Ireland and Great Britain

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Relevent Bowles Lines in the U.S.

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This will not attempt to be an exhaustive list of Bowles in the United States as there are many sites already which document the family's American lines.  My site focuses on the Bowles of Canada and their Roots in England and Ireland, therefore this section is only meant to document the American connections for the specific Bowles lines in my own areas of research.

My own Bowles family has been found in several areas of the United States. 

Bowles in Washington, D.C. and Leesburg, Virginia

Oliver Bowles of my Quebec City line was born in Southern Ontario but spent several years lecturing in Geology at the University of Minnesota before joining the Bureau of Mines in Washington where he worked from 1914 to 1958.  In Washington he lived at 5000 Massachusetts Ave. NW.  He also maintained a summer family residence in Hillsboro near Leesburg, Virginia.  His son, Edgar Bowles, also a Geologist, maintained a permanent residence in Leesburg.

Possibly by a complete coincidence, another Bowles who had spent time in Canada settled near Leesburg in about 1892.  Major Flavius J. Bowles originally of Washington county, Maryland spent several years as a building supplies contractor in Canada before acquiring an 'estate' near Leesburg.  Major Bowles' wife was from New Orleans where Oliver Bowles also had relations but I have not found any other indications of a relationship between them.  See Major F. J. Bowles.

Bowles in New Orleans, Louisiana

My own Bowles line emigrated from Queens county, Ireland and settled in Quebec City in 1818.  However, other family members, probably my direct ancestor's cousins, arrived in Quebec City at about the same time but soon moved on to settle in New Orleans.   I can't find any trace of any other family relationship to New Orleans so I don't know what inspired them to move there but that may yet be revealed as our studies continue.  See The Bowles of Louisiana.

Bowles in California

One of the brothers who settled in New Orleans, Joseph, soon moved on to California where he ran a mule team freight and hardware business.  See Joseph Bowles of California

Bowles in Michigan

One of the many John Bowles in my line arrived in Quebec City with his Uncle, my direct ancestor John Bowles, in 1818 but soon moved on to settle in Whitby township in Southern Ontario.


Other Bowles Lines in the US with Connections to Canada

Many Bowles families which came to Canada from Ireland and England settled in Southern Ontario in the early 1800's.  After a few years, some of these crossed the border to settle in the northern part of New York State.  See The Bowles Families of Upper New York State

A branch of The Bowles of Great Gaddesden, Hertfordshire settled in The Bahamas and branches from there settled in Saskatchewan and in Charleston, South Carolina.


This site was last updated 01/11/19