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See also The de
Boeles in Rôles GasconsThis family likely arrived in England from Bouelles, Normandy when
knights from there accompanied their lord Hugh de Gournay in William
Prince of Normandy's conquest of England in 1066. By the 1100's
they had established themselves in
Bedfordshire and in the
1200's at least three members of the family were prominent in the Royal
William and
de Boeles and an Alda de Boeles who was
probably related to them in some way.
The family also appears in
Berkshire by about 1220 with an
Ellis (Helyas) de Boeles married to Alice (Aelis), daughter and heiress
of William de Stoteville.
Knights of Hugh de Gournay
Hugues de Gournay, the Count d'Eu and
William de Varenne
were the three most powerful lords of the Seine-Maritime region who
supported William's claim to Normandy.
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