Bowles DNA Project
The Bowles of Canada and their Roots in Ireland and Great Britain

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The Boles of Pillaton

Back to The Bowles of Cornwall
The Bole family in this area goes back to the
We get a more consistent record of the family once parish churches started recording their events in registries in 1557.  There are Bole entries in the Pillaton register almost every year from 1558 to 1575 with a next generation recorded from 1597 to 1624, a next from 1643 and on with more Boles in the nearby parishes of St Mellion and St Stephens near Saltash.
Of particular interest would be Roger Bole of Saltash who had interests in the Diocese of Cork and Ross in Ireland which were passed to his young son William in 1614 possibly making his line the origin of The Boles of Cork who appear there sometime in the 1630's.
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This site was last updated 10/19/18